Monday, May 2, 2011

Jackson's 2nd Birthday Party

We had Jackson's 2nd birthday party this past Saturday. We wanted to keep it low key so we had a simple party at a park in Katy with bubbles, a playground, snacks and cupcakes. That's all it took to keep Jackson and his friends happy and entertained.  He had a blast and thanks his friends for coming out and playing with him!
 Jackson and Sophia. She's one Jackson's favorite friends from school. She's Maddie's competition for Jackson's future wife.

The bubbles were a hit. Jackson talked about them daily for about a week before his party. When we bought them, he was told they were for his birthday party, so he kept saying, "Bubbles...birthday party!"

A couple of people left before this picture, but it's the majority of his friends that made it out. Most people are actually looking at the camera in his picture. Amazing. Thanks Shannon! She acted silly behind the camera to get everyone's attention.

Ben slept throughout the party.

Jackson and Uncle Stephen

Noelle, Vanessa and Chelsea all started teaching together the same year. Their kiddos are each a month apart.

Jackson's first juice - EVER. At least that we know of...


Granddad and Grandma MacGregor said...

Looks like it was a great party. We were thinking of you all.

dougnlarry said...

Looks like great fun. Sorry we missed it.