Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Jump Jump
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I Wear My Sunglasses ...
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Day at the Park
Bye Bye Bumper
Now that Jackson is in the "Cuddler" Room at daycare his naps have been more consistent. Although he rarely napped for us for more than 45 mins over the Winter Break, at daycare he seems to nap at least 3 hours a day. Generally he goes down from 9:30-11:00 and then 1:30-3:00. Well, since he seems to do it at daycare without any issues, I decided that this weekend I was going to put him down at those times and just leave him and hope for the best.
Saturday at 9:30. We put Jackson down. He babbles to himself for about five minutes and then there's silence. I go in and check a bit later and he's asleep. He slept for about 55 minutes.
Saturday at 1:30. We put Jackson down. He cries and cries for a few minutes. I go in and reassure him. He goes to sleep minutes later. He slept for about two hours!
What a relief!
Sunday at 9:30. We put Jackson down. We never heard anything from him. I check on him a few minutes later and he's asleep. 30 minutes later Jackson wakes up coughing. Then, he starts crying. I go in there and he's wide awake. I tell him it's time to go back to sleep. I roll him over (he's crawling around his crib) and put him back down. I leave him. Rob asks if he's going to go back to sleep and I laugh and say, "I don't think so. He's wide awake." But, then.... there's silence. We hear nothing. I'm shocked and amazed. Wow. We really have this figured out now. This is amazing. Rob goes in there a few minutes later to check on his. This is what we found...
Bye bye bumpers.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Happy 3rd Birthday Kings!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Uncle Stephen and Sleep
2. I am not a morning person. I do not like waking up early and I do not like someone else waking me up. I need sleep or I become less pleasant. For the past few weeks, Jackson has been waking up at 4am. This does not work for me. But, what choice do I have. This morning, Jackson woke up at 5:45. While the average person might scoff at this and think it's way to early...for me...it was sleeping in for almost an extra two hours. It was amazing. Fingers crossed for tomorrow...
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wii Loves Jackson (and so does Schuley)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Jackson Goes Back to School
When I went to feed him at lunch today, someone from the office approached me about transitioning Jackson up to the next room. Despite our apprehension because we don't know the teachers in the next room well, and we love his current teachers, at least his friends are already in there. We took him in there for a bit when we picked him up today and he was laughing and playing with his little friends. Very cute.
You know what's not cute? Over the break, we were LUCKY is all of Jackson's naps in the day TOTALED two hours. I don't know if that happened more than a couple of times. Today, Jackson's THIRD nap of the day was over two hours! Nice. Thanks little J.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy 8 Month Birthday!
Today you are 8 months old. You are becoming such a big boy and are ready to be treated like one. You now prefer to sit in high chairs at restaurants and inside grocery carts at stores. You think you might miss something if you are in your car seat instead.
This month was very special. Not only was it the first time to experience Mommy’s birthday, Christmas, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, etc, but we also got to spend two straight weeks with you. No school for you or for us! Of course your routines are all off. You barely nap with us and you have decided 4am seems like a great time to wake up, but it’s worth it. Hopefully, you will get back into your routines soon.
You now weigh over 21 pounds. We haven’t weighed you in a while, so we don’t know how much exactly. You are also extremely long for your age. Last time we measured, your length was 30 inches. Aunt Penny and Uncle Stephen were generous enough to let us use William and Neil’s car seat that goes up to 30 pounds so that we can keep you contained a little longer. Although we have a while before you max it out as far as the weight goes, we realized yesterday you’re looking a little long in it. Unfortunately, it’s only safe for babies up to 32 inches. Now we really need to measure you. We’re also growing through your pjs with feet like crazy because of your height.
You are pulling yourself up on some things, especially the ball pit at school. On the ball pit you like to let go, but you haven’t really tried that one at home yet. You also like crawling everywhere. If we turn around for one minute you are suddenly in the kitchen crawling to the dog food or headed down the hallway. Also, in the mornings, you like to let the dogs out of their home. Oh yes, and you still love to smile and laugh all the time. Our living room now looks like a toy store exploded in here and about 75% of the toys make noise. Although you love those toys, you can also still entertain yourself for half an hour by banging shapes or cups together.
Jackson, you are the highlight of our days. Even though December contained some tough days, you were always able to make us smile. We love you more and more every day.
Jackson gets a visit from Janeen
Jackson Visits Violet and Will
Will attempts to play with Jackson. Next he threw the ball across the room and told Jackson to "go get it".
It seems we were actually able to pick out two gifts that the kiddos liked, Dora Roller Skates for Violet, and a moving Batman Car for Will.