Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jump Jump

Since Rob is sick, I took Jackson outside onto the trampoline tonight for the first time. It was right at dusk. We talked about the dogs (he is fascinated by Ruffles and Schuley) and looked at the trees (he is also fascinated by trees). He did not like it when I jumped on the trampoline while holding him, but he did enjoying lying down with me and looking up at the sky. He also liked crawling around on it and trying to eat the pine needles. Here are some pictures.

He looks a little dazed in this picture to me.

If you zoom in one this picture, you can see Jackson's crazy top (side) teeth.
Hold on. Hold on. Did you say, it's bedtime?

Hehehe. We'll see about that. I think I have different plans for tonight.After our little trampoline adventure, Jackson threw his biggest fit ever at bedtime. Who would guess this sweet little face would be capable of the fit he threw...


Penny Morris said...

I like that he looks like dracula with his teeth!!!!

The Texters said...

Look at those teeth!!! He's such a big boy!

Bethany said...

Those dracula teeth are so funny cute.

Anonymous said...

Baby vampire.

The Kemps said...

Love the teeth!