Every time we are in San Antonio we visit Picante Grill for some Mexican food. They have the best tortilla soup ever as well as good tea, salsa, chalupas, and whatever crazy soup Rob gets. Unfortunately, Rob had a tiny chicken bone in his soup - which led to a bad experience for Rob. He can tell more about that later. We ended up getting a $10 gift card, but Rob did not feel that adequately made up for his experience. Since 281 was closed at Hildebrand, we arrived a little later than expected, but were greeted by some happy girls! Boy do we love these girls.
We got to spent a lot of time just hanging out -which was nice. We got to catch up and play with the kids. Maddie and Emily love Jackson and were so gentle with him. It was incredibly sweet!
Emily spent a lot of her time kissing, tickling, playing with, and watching over Jackson.
We enjoyed some cherries
Book reading

Some sticker time
and Coloring
Some sticker time
and Coloring
Maddie loves Rob
Jackson loved the attention from Emily and Maddie
Emily liked holding Jackson's hand
And was very careful when she held him
How cute is she?
Did she learn this from Mommy or Daddy?
We tried to take a Mommies and kiddos picture, but we couldn't get everyone on sync.
First Maddie was not happy posing.

Joe was able to cheer her up

So we could get this picture
Joe was able to cheer her up
So we could get this picture
We tried again.
I got a kiss from Emily
And then she was finished with us
Maybe next time...
Love it, love it, love it all.
Not sure what you're trying to say there, Felicia.
Was this written as a "How You SHOULD Treat Jackson" for a certain someone I know?
Haha, no. Em was gentler than the average adult!
Jackson is a biggun! He must be sucking the life force out of you Noelle!! Burning through calories... the best part of breastfeeding! Looks like you guys had a great time and I am glad Jackson's first road trip was a success!!!
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