Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jackson at 88 Days

First off, I would like to take the metric approach to milestone appreciation, meaning Jackson's 100th Day will be a momentous occasion (for me). So let the countdown commence. (BTW, everyone around 27 years old should figure out when their 10,000th day is and hold a large party. We will attend.) (Maybe.)

Second off, during Noelle's long day away from the boy, I relieved Grandma from Grandma duties around 2ish to pick up Noelle at 3. After making it there, Noelle let me know she would be getting out late. After circling the area for thirty minutes to keep Jackson blissfully napping in a mobile car seat, we decided to venture inside and wait in the lobby. There, Jackson showed everyone who passed how great he is at this age. He cooed, he smiled, he giggled, and he gazed at everything within eyesight. Noelle's meeting got out about an hour and a half late, but I didn't mind a bit.

Jackson now enjoys trying to eat his monkey's fish, by the way.

Thirdly, I have had pancakes four days in a row now. I might go for the record.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Do it! Do it! I hope you break that record!

I can't wait to see that smiley baby on Saturday. My kid is ready to do some damage!