Saturday, January 2, 2010

Jackson Visits Violet and Will

We went over to the Calonicos house tonight and Jackson got to spend some time with Will and Violet.

Will and Violet made some cupcakes. Between each cupcake, Will sneaked a lick.

Will attempts to play with Jackson. Next he threw the ball across the room and told Jackson to "go get it".

Here's "Pregnant Will".


It seems we were actually able to pick out two gifts that the kiddos liked, Dora Roller Skates for Violet, and a moving Batman Car for Will.

Violet - Please don't hurt yourself!

Will helps Violet out.
"No hands!"

Somebody is NOT amused.
Forced hug.

Jackson wants to be a dentist when he grows up.
Worst picture.I don't think a single person is actually looking. I'm not sure what Will's pose is all about, but I love it!


Bethany said...

Aww, I love the roller skating photos...and the dentist photo. That kid has the sweetest face. I can't wait until he can talk.

The Carter's said...

Ride-a-horsey, go to town, buy a sack of peaches.

Look out, little boy, don't fall down. You'll smash them all to pieces.

Thanks a lot, Grandma Carter.

I like that Jackson is patting V's knee in that shot, being all "There, there--all of this crap will be over soon".

Thanks again for coming up yesterday; I know it sucks to mess up your child's routines, but it did mean a lot to me.

Joe and Shannon said...

I like the pirate and dentist pics. And I can't believe Violet can skate!!!!