Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Jackson's First Owie

This morning Jackson had his first minor injury. While getting his last fingernail cut, he moved, and had a little more than just his fingernail cut. Boy did it bleed! But, I think it hurt Daddy more than Jackson.

I go and feed Jackson during lunch everyday at his school and today he was very careful not to use his left hand. It was sad, but cute. Since he has his 4 month shots tomorrow, I'm sure that this little cut will be a very distant memory.


Joe and Shannon said...

ahhh, he looks cute even when he's sad! Good luck with the shots!

penny Morris said...

He looks a little like Neil to me in the first pic. Sorry about the owie.. at least it wasn't a fractured leg! Just wait until he is crawling. :) I love that you feed him lunch everyday!!! We will see him soon!!!!!!

Courtney said...

Awwwww...that is sad but cute.

Bethany said...

Rob - Know that I did the same thing to V when she was three weeks old. I felt horrible. Dave wouldn't let me near the nail clipper for (well, kind of still). The kid doesn't remember.

Noelle, I think it's cool that you're able to go over everyday at lunch.