I'm going to preface this post by saying, I know I am lucky because I have not had any major issues during pregnancy. (Knock on wood.) Sure I puked for months, am anemic, and I can't wear my wedding ring anymore, but when it comes down to it, Tator Tot is healthy and that is what matters.
Now, I complain.
Have you ever looked at my ankles? They are quite petite and perhaps even edge on bony. It's not a source of pride (and I even hated them when I was younger), but it's a fact. They are little... They have been a little swollen on and off depending on how much time I spend on my feet in any given day, but today.... today... they are out of control. If you are about to eat, you may not want to look at this picture... it's gross.
Look at my fatankles...
The left foot is from July in the Maldives - not the best resolution, but the only pic I would find of my foot. The right foot is my current state...

Enjoy your normal ankles for me.
At least your toenails are pretty! :)
Why am I just now seeing this blog?
Because you're slow. It's been our Facebook Status since this weekend and were actually the first to know! Remember....Saturday night? Third Coast?
P.S. I hate when I have an error in a comment. It should read "you were actually" blah blah
You guys didn't tell us the URL, did you? Anyway, it doesn't matter. I've found you.
Totally told you the url. You have no excuse. It does matter.
Maybe it was the karaoke overload that made you forget.
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