Friday, May 28, 2010

First steps

It's summertime at last, so you can actually expect some life on this blog again. There are pictures and videos and stories and whatnot ahead, but I figured I would share a nice text file to start the summer barrage. Rob loves his tiny little laptop, and Jackson loves what we love. The laptop's keyboard is Jackson-sized, so when Jackson decides it's his time to hit the keyboard, he does a good job of covering all of the keys. Rob let him have at it the other day on a word processor, and this is what we got -

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Obviously, he's still got a ways to go, but I like that BEDS got a shout out. As for those last letters... hmmm.... Notice the last emoticon too, facing the opposite way of most emoticons. He's on his way to being a texting little boy - how frightening.

Jackson, these are the first types you ever took.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

First word, "bed."
Second word...dang...this kid is awesome.