Jackson enjoyed his new ride! We didn't get a good shot of him looking at the camera because he was too interested in everything else going on.

There are his new shoes to match his swim outfit. Look at these cute little feet.

This is his new outfit for the summer. He was a little skeptical about the cold, cold water. But, he adjusted quickly and had a blast.

Jackson loved this frog slide!

He liked sliding down it and climbing up it! Our little monkey!

Shannon, Noelle and their boys!

Emily is wrapped up like a burrito!

Will crashed after the pool! He's wiped out.

1. Yes we are interested in joining.
2. I cannot wait to see the boys in their matching outfits.
3. I vote for a once a month (minimum) trip to the pool followed or pre'd by Clay's.
Thanks for this post - it was too crazy for us in the pool zone defense to be able to watch J experience the pool. Also, thanks for being a part of our village. Love you guys!
I think we should stick to swimming and then Clay's. Otherwise I might puke!
One a month min. agreed. Cute outfits agreed.
Shannon - we're glad you stayed long enough for the swim, even though it wasn't the most relaxing experience for you!
I will always remember you asking Emily if it was too cold for her to swim and her responding no through chattering teeth.
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