Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Reynolds Visit

Yes - this post is 2 weeks overdue. But, we are going to try to catch up on them this weekend!

The Reynolds came into town for a 4 day weekend the night of the Community Open House. I can't believe they were here for 4 days because it sure didn't feel like they were here more than a day! As always the kids were supercute and sweet. - not that Shannon and Joe weren't. ;) We also got the see both Mr. and Mrs. George over the course of the weekend, which was nice. We have so many pics from the weekend, but most of them are not of Jackson. I see his cuteness all the time, but I have limited time to catch the other cuties on film. Well...on memory card... During their visit Kristen, Kingsley, Bethany and Violet came over for a playdate.

Rob and Travis

Will - here comes a smile!

Travis - look at those eyes!!

Violet on the swing
Emily on the swing

Kings and Em doing the superman

The state of the world....so depressing

This pic is bizarre. It looks like V is in front of a blue pool that is glass on one side.
Kingsley's cute profile
The Reynolds are still kids at heart
Em gets air!

Maddie's future is so bright she has to wear shades!
Maddie on the slide
Violet on the monkey bars
Rob and Bethany and their monkeys

Kings on the swing

Emily loves her doll. She took her out when we went to the trampoline. My mom made a blanket for the girls' dolls. When I asked Em about her favorite part of the weekend, she told me it was getting the blanket for her doll.
I love this girl.

Em even took her doll for a jump.

More blue eyes.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Hooray! If only I could capture photos of my child smiling...gah.