This has been a different summer. We didn't move (3 and 4 summers ago). We didn't get married (2 summers ago). We didn't vacate our house for a month while traveling to amazing exotic and not so exotic locations (the past 4 summers). What we did was so much more.
We gained a son and spent the whole summer getting to know him. We are so blessed to have had this time together, as a family, without work to get in the way. Now that school starts, we only have holidays, weekends, and afternoons. We've always loved weekends, but now that we have a child, the last two weekends have had a whole new meaning - Son. Last weekend we took Jackson to the Farmers' Market in La Centerra and enjoyed walking around outside until it got too hot (unfortunately that didn't take long), had a slow and relaxing breakfast at Berryhill, and spent the rest of the weekend being together. Unfortunately, this weekend Noelle had to work the Texans game and got sick. So, it wasn't as much fun. But, hopefully she is on the mend. Since she was sick she missed out on seeing one of our favorite people from one of our favorite families, Brad McGrath. He's living in NYC, although he rarely seems to be there, and we're happy to see how well he's doing. He got to meet Jackson, who seemed to love Brad as much as we do.
Who wouldn't love a successful accountant who orders chocolate milk for breakfast and calls himself "Uncle Dorko"?
Here are some random Jackson pictures to wrap-up summertime.
Bye summer. We'll miss you.
We look forward to next summer when Jackson will be ready for the pool and more outside time. Also, he'll be able to stay sitting up.
Best of luck with the crazy kids and Noelle, I hope you're feeling better!!
That last picture cracks me up!!! It sucks that summer is over... but the school year will fly by and soon it will be summer again. Hope Noelle is feeling better! Jackson is too cute! :)
What a great pic of Brad and Jackson!
I hope the first day back with kids is a good one for all. And hope Noelle is feeling better soon.
That last photo kills. Hilarious.
Get well soon Noelle. Love the last picture - made us laugh!
I hope you MacG's are doing good. I'm assuming you're crazy busy. Know that we're thinking of you.
I am cracking up at the last pic! That is hysterical!!! I love that kid.
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