This is a long video, so it may not be for everyone, but it's mostly meant for one person. Uncle Stephen (Stockman) told us he left a present for Jackson at the house while we were out at the MacGregor/Morris family reunion 2010 (pics to follow).When we got home, we discovered the light box, aka "dark". Stephen had taken a tupperware container and fitted it with batteries, wires, lights, and, Jackson's favorite, a light switch. When we saw it, we knew Jackson would love it, so we decided to capture his first moments with it so Uncle Stephen could see how much his kindness is appreciated by his number one fan.
Uncle Stephen is too cool for words !
That is super cute. Good job Uncle Stephen!
Seriously that was too cute (and a GREAT idea Uncle Stephen!). Loved it!
Uncle Stephen is a genius. I am going to tuck that away in my memory for when Gabe becomes fixated on switches. Good one! He could totally market that...I would buy it!
too too cute. what an awesome uncle!
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